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Power Flows and Transmission Losses in the Croatian Network after the UCTE Reconnection (CROSBI ID 508875)

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Toljan, Ivica ; Hebel, Zdravko ; Pavić, Ivica ; Barta, Atila ; Delimar, Marko ; Peharda, Domagoj Power Flows and Transmission Losses in the Croatian Network after the UCTE Reconnection // IEEE EUROCON 2005 Proceedings. Beograd, 2005. str. 1529-1532

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Toljan, Ivica ; Hebel, Zdravko ; Pavić, Ivica ; Barta, Atila ; Delimar, Marko ; Peharda, Domagoj


Power Flows and Transmission Losses in the Croatian Network after the UCTE Reconnection

Consideration of losses of electric energy in the transmission network is important for power system operation and control. Development of the remote control system in the Croatian National Control centre enabled an accurate calculation of losses and their comparison with the results measured in the terminal nodes. Additional value in proposed way of determination of losses lies in the fact that losses can be allocated by voltage level, lines and transformers. A new way of calculating the percentage of losses is proposed by the authors.

energy losses; power network; control system

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Power Flows and Transmission Losses in the Croatian Network after the UCTE Reconnection

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energy losses; power network; control system

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Crna Gora; Beograd, Srbija

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