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Calculation of thermodynamic parameters of combustion products of propellants under constant volume conditions using the varial equation of state influence of values of virial coefficiente (CROSBI ID 82092)

Prilog u časopisu | izvorni znanstveni rad

Sućeska, Muhamed Calculation of thermodynamic parameters of combustion products of propellants under constant volume conditions using the varial equation of state influence of values of virial coefficiente // Journal of energetic materials, 17 (1999), 2-3; 253-278

Podaci o odgovornosti

Sućeska, Muhamed


Calculation of thermodynamic parameters of combustion products of propellants under constant volume conditions using the varial equation of state influence of values of virial coefficiente

The thermodynamic aspects of the propellant combustion under constant volume conditions are considered. The combustion model and computer program named BOMBA8 for the calculation of the thermodynamic and interior ballistics parameters of combustion products are described. The equilibrium composition of combustion products is calculated by apply-ing the Gibbs energy minimization method. The pressure and thermodynamic pa-rameters of combustion products are calculated by applying the virile equation of state. The virile coefficients of individual species are calculated in different manners � applying equations derived from experimental measurements and using different potential equations. The applicability of the presented combustion model and computer program is tested on several different types of propellants under different combustion con-ditions.

calculation; thermodinamic parameters; combustion; propellants

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17 (2-3)





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