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A three-dimensional contact element based on the Moving Friction Cone approach and the elliptical Coulomb law (CROSBI ID 510497)

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Krstulović-Opara, Lovre ; Wriggers, Peter A three-dimensional contact element based on the Moving Friction Cone approach and the elliptical Coulomb law // Proceedings of the Computational Plasticity VIII, Fundaments and Applications / D.R.J. Owen, E. Onate and B. Suarez (ur.). Barcelona: International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), 2005. str. 827-830-x

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Krstulović-Opara, Lovre ; Wriggers, Peter


A three-dimensional contact element based on the Moving Friction Cone approach and the elliptical Coulomb law

The paper presents elliptical Coulomb law where the friction surface is defined with two principal friction coefficients and corresponding direction, what enables description of surfaces showing biaxial frictional response. The Moving Friction Cone formulation is based on the contact constraint described using a single gap vector that enables significantly simpler, shorter and faster element code.

Contact; Friction; Elliptical law

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

D.R.J. Owen, E. Onate and B. Suarez

Barcelona: International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE)

Podaci o skupu

Computational Plasticity VIII

pozvano predavanje


Barcelona, Španjolska

Povezanost rada
