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Host-Guest Interaction of Inorganic Ions and Molecules with Zeolites. Iodine in Zeolite A. (CROSBI ID 511238)

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Bronić, Josip ; Sekovanić, Lavoslav ; Mužic, Ana ; Biljan, Tomislav ; Kontrec, Jasminka ; Subotić, Boris Host-Guest Interaction of Inorganic Ions and Molecules with Zeolites. Iodine in Zeolite A. // Catalytic processes on advanced micro- and mesoporous materials, Book of abstracts / Arishtirova, Katya ; Aleksandrov, Hristiyan ; Predoeva, Albena et al. (ur.). Sofija, 2005

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Bronić, Josip ; Sekovanić, Lavoslav ; Mužic, Ana ; Biljan, Tomislav ; Kontrec, Jasminka ; Subotić, Boris


Host-Guest Interaction of Inorganic Ions and Molecules with Zeolites. Iodine in Zeolite A.

Introduction of I2 molecules into zeolite A (sodium form) was made through a three-step procedure: water removal from zeolite, introduction of iodine via gas phase and removal of I2 crystals from ZA surface by dissolution in absolute ethanol. Interactions of zeolite A saturated with incorporated iodine vapor was studied by vibration spectroscopy (FT Raman and FTIR), DTG and XRD. Results show that about 50 % of iodine exists in the framework voids of zeolite A in the form of elemental iodine (molecules, clusters, crystals) and the rest exists in the ionic forms. The ionic forms of iodine (formed by disproportionation of iodine) interact with the negatively charged aluminosilicate framework of zeolite A and with compensating sodium ions. The possible characters of interactions are also discussed. Structural changes in zeolite A framework were not observed (diffractograms are almost identical), while structure of the molecular iodine within zeolite was determined by FT Raman spectroscopy and DTG.

Zeolite A; Iodine; Host-guest interaction

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Arishtirova, Katya ; Aleksandrov, Hristiyan ; Predoeva, Albena ; Vayssilov, Georgi


Podaci o skupu

International Symposium - Catalytic Processes on Advanced Micro- and Mesoporous Materials



Nesebǎr, Bugarska

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