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Population structure of the Island of Brač - potential mates analysis (PMA) (CROSBI ID 468549)

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Barać, Lovorka ; Smolej Narančić, Nina Population structure of the Island of Brač - potential mates analysis (PMA) // The 21st Century: The Century of Anthropology / Sutlive, Vinston H. ; Hamada, Tomoko (ur.). Williamsburg (VA): International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES), 1998. str. 45-46-x

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Barać, Lovorka ; Smolej Narančić, Nina


Population structure of the Island of Brač - potential mates analysis (PMA)

Assortative mate choice in the population of the island of Brač was investigated using the techniques of potential mate analysis. The analysis is based on the presumption that mates are chosen from a "pool" of possible choices. The total sample used for the analysis is comprised of 198 females from actual mate pairs. The sample of males is comprised of 545 examinees, out of which 198 represent actual mates, and 347 potential mates. In the analysis, demographic, genealogical and anthropometric data were used for all examinees. The delineation of factors influencing the mate choice process was performed on the basis of the Dyke strategy (1971), which presupposes successive placement of constraints on the maximal mate pool. The analysis has shown that the first-degree kinship among actual pairs is higher than the one within potential pairs. Following the exclusion of the males who are either more than three years younger or more than fourteen years older, the age difference of the sample of the actual pairs is not significantly different from the one in the sample of potential mate pairs. After the exclusion of the mates who were married at the time of potential mate's wedding the average age difference, as well as the different kinship degree between the sample of actual and potential mate pairs were significant. Average anthropometric distances within the sample of actual and potential mates are not statistically significantly different. Average village endemicity, as well as, the average geographic distances between the natal villages of mates differs significantly between the samples of actual and potential mates.

potential mates analysis; population genetics; anthropology; island of Brač

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Sutlive, Vinston H. ; Hamada, Tomoko

Williamsburg (VA): International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES)

Podaci o skupu

The 14th International Congress of the Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences



Williamsburg (VA), Sjedinjene Američke Države

Povezanost rada

Etnologija i antropologija