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Pole Slip Protection on 400 kV Transsmision Line (CROSBI ID 512166)

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Skok, Srđan ; Marušić, Ante ; Ivanković, Igor ; Vlajčević, Robert Pole Slip Protection on 400 kV Transsmision Line // Proceedings of PowerTech 2005. Sankt Peterburg: IEEE Russia, 2005

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Skok, Srđan ; Marušić, Ante ; Ivanković, Igor ; Vlajčević, Robert


Pole Slip Protection on 400 kV Transsmision Line

Major disturbances in power system might cause big electromechanical oscillations that can influence unwanted operation of different protection functions and lead to a loss of synchronism between generator groups located in two different parts of a power system. In such situations disconnection of subsystems in points closest to the electrical centre of oscillation proved to prevent collapse of a complete system. It is useful to use software for dynamic simulation of electric power systems to make quality control of critical clearing time in power system. The Eurostag Software is used in this article.

Power swing; pole slip protection; software support – Eurostag 4.2

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Sankt Peterburg: IEEE Russia

Podaci o skupu

PowerTech 2005, Russia



Sankt Peterburg, Ruska Federacija

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