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Nutritional status and physical fitness in Dalmatian Island population (CROSBI ID 468663)

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Smolej Narančić, Nina Nutritional status and physical fitness in Dalmatian Island population // The 21st Century: The Century of Anthropology / Sutlive, Vinston H. ; Hamada, Tomoko (ur.). Williamsburg (VA): International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES), 1998. str. 343-x

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Smolej Narančić, Nina


Nutritional status and physical fitness in Dalmatian Island population

This study examines nutritional status and physical fitness in a sample of 4633 adults (2083 men ; 2550 women ; 18-74 years of age) from the Dalmatian islands and peninsula (Eastern Adriatic, Croatia). Nutritional status was derived from cross-sectional anthropometric measurements, including weight, height, BMI, triceps and subscapular skinfolds, upper arm muscle area, and upper arm fat index that have been compared to the United States reference data. The stature of the Dalmatian population tracks about the 50th U.S. percentile, while its weight and BMI remain constantly about the 75th U.S. percentile. Prevalence of overweight in Dalmatian population, defined by the NHANES II criteria for BMI, is 42.3% (35.8% in men and 47.7% in women). According to the criterium of BMI higher than 25.0, 68% of the men and 66.8% of the women were overweight. Despite their higher BMI, the Dalmatian population appears to be leaner than the U.S. reference population, as indicated by their skinfold measurements which fall between the 25th and 50th U.S. percentiles, and upper arm fat index which falls between the 15th and 50th U.S. percentiles. The excess weight of the Dalmatians appears to be mostly due to their high muscularity and large frame size, as indicated by the upper arm muscle area which falls between the 75th and 80th U.S. percentiles, and the elbow breadth which tracks about the 75th U.S. percentile. The physical fitness of the Dalmatian population was measured by the maximal oxygen consumption in a subsample of 820 subjects. Estimates of the VO2max average 31.1 ml/ kg.min in men and 26.9 ml/ kg.min in women for the entire age range. The results reflect strenuous physical activity patterns conditioned by the agriculturally and fishing oriented economy of the islands.

anthropology; population genetics; nutritional status; physical fitness; Dalmatian islands

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Sutlive, Vinston H. ; Hamada, Tomoko

Williamsburg (VA): International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES)

Podaci o skupu

The 14th International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences



Williamsburg (VA), Sjedinjene Američke Države

Povezanost rada

Etnologija i antropologija