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Environmental Vulnerability Analysis as a Tool for SEA of Spatial Plans (CROSBI ID 513517)

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Koščak Miočić Stošić, Vesna ; Butula Sonja Environmental Vulnerability Analysis as a Tool for SEA of Spatial Plans. Prag: International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA, 2005. str. 69-70-x

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Koščak Miočić Stošić, Vesna ; Butula Sonja


Environmental Vulnerability Analysis as a Tool for SEA of Spatial Plans

The term and the concept of environmental vulnerability analysis is known from early 70s when it was defined by C. Steinitz as ‘ vulnerability to impact’ and has been used since then for assessing the potential impacts of planned interventions or activities on the environment. Unfortunately, the contribution to the reduction of the environmental impacts was limited due to already defined activity location. It could only recommend measures how to mitigate impacts that could not be avoided. The use of the same concept at an earlier phase of a planning process in assessing the alternative proposals for spatial development could reduce the environmental impacts by choosing the alternative plan which has less impact on the environment. The paper will acknowledge a platform of threevalue systems incorporated within the vulnerability concept, as one of the appropriate modes to cope with the impacts and uncertainty within planning process. The procedure for assessment of alternative proposals of development plan of Mura region in Croatia developed for educational purpose, as a Studio work within Landscape Architecture Programme at the University of Zagreb, will be presented.

environmental vulnerability analysis; planning process; measures; assessment

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Prag: International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA

Podaci o skupu

International experience and perspectives in SEA,



Prag, Češka Republika

Povezanost rada

Poljoprivreda (agronomija)