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The Sample Strategy for Multiindicator Survey in Health and Nutrition Sectors for Croatia in 1996 (CROSBI ID 514745)

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Dumičić, Ksenija ; Marušić, Zrinka The Sample Strategy for Multiindicator Survey in Health and Nutrition Sectors for Croatia in 1996 // Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces -ITI '98 / Hljuz Dobrić ; Vesna (ur.). Zagreb: Sveučilišni računski centar Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (Srce), 1998. str. 237-242.-x

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Dumičić, Ksenija ; Marušić, Zrinka


The Sample Strategy for Multiindicator Survey in Health and Nutrition Sectors for Croatia in 1996

The purpose of this paper is to describe sample design and estimation procedure of the large scale Multiindicator Survey in Health and Nutrition Sectors which was carried out in Croatia in 1996. The sample of 14800 households was used. Stratified sample with three strata was designed. In two strata a multi-stage procedure was used: segment, cluster and ultimate unit selection stage. In the third strata at the second stage a random walk from random starting point selection method was applied. Simple unbiased estimators assured precise estimates. Because of inappropriate sampling frames, weighting was not recommended.

stratified multi-stage sample design; PPS selection; proportional allocation; non-response

ISSN 1330-1012

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Hljuz Dobrić ; Vesna

Zagreb: Sveučilišni računski centar Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (Srce)

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Conference on Information Technology Interfaces -ITI '98



Pula, Hrvatska

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