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Water losses from the Ričica reservoir built in the Dinaric karst (CROSBI ID 516601)

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Bonacci, Ognjen ; Roje-Bonacci, Tanja ; Ljubenkov, Igor Water losses from the Ričica reservoir built in the Dinaric karst // Geophysical Research Abstract, Volume 8, 2006 ; EGU General Assembly 2006, ISSN: 1029-7006. Beč: European Geosciences Union (EGU), 2006. str. EGU06-A-00020-x

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Bonacci, Ognjen ; Roje-Bonacci, Tanja ; Ljubenkov, Igor


Water losses from the Ričica reservoir built in the Dinaric karst

The karst features can cause a great variety of risks associated with the construction of dams and reservoirs. The paper presents a case of the Ri&egrave ; ; ica dam and reservoir, which were built in 1987 in the central part of bare Dinaric karst. Maximum reservoir water level is 401 in a. s. l., and useful reservoir volume is 35.18x 106 m3 of water. Due to water losses. mainly from the reservoir bottom, water level in it until now did not reach altitude of 385 m a. s. l., which responds to volume of about 9x 106 m3. This paper analyses hydrological and hydrogeological factors, which caused water losses from the Ri&egrave ; ; ica reservoir.

Water losses; Ričica reservoir; karst

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Natural and anthropogenic hazards in karst areas



Beč, Austrija

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