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Human Cytochrome P450 Enzymes: A Satus Report Summarizing Their Reactions, Substrates, Inducers and Inhibitors (CROSBI ID 82896)

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Rendić, Slobodan ; Di Carlo, Frederick Human Cytochrome P450 Enzymes: A Satus Report Summarizing Their Reactions, Substrates, Inducers and Inhibitors // Drug metabolism reviews, 29 (1997), 1&2; 413-580-x

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Rendić, Slobodan ; Di Carlo, Frederick


Human Cytochrome P450 Enzymes: A Satus Report Summarizing Their Reactions, Substrates, Inducers and Inhibitors

The present paper is designed to assist by providing a framework for predicting and interpreting new data on CYP enzymes. It is an effort to summarise the functions of known human cytochrome P450s in terms of their specific catalytic activities, substrates, inducers, and inhibitors. Summaries are presented in tables for the ready access of information. The literature through 1996 is covered in the reference section. In some instances references are to reviews which should be consulted for citations of the original literature.

Cytochrom P450; CYP; inhibitors; inducers; substrates

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29 (1&2)





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