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Magnetic Field of Underground Power Cables (CROSBI ID 516979)

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Željko, Štih ; Sead, Berberović ; Trkulja, Bojan Magnetic Field of Underground Power Cables // International Conference on Electromagnetic Fields, Health and Environment / Carlos Lemos Natunes (ur.). Coimbra: APDEE Portugal, 2006. str. 1.19-1.24-x

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Željko, Štih ; Sead, Berberović ; Trkulja, Bojan


Magnetic Field of Underground Power Cables

High voltage underground power cables are widely used for power transmission in urban areas. They generate relatively strong magnetic fields and calculation of such fields is inevitable in analysis of human exposure. The comparison between rigorous numerical calculation and simplified analytical calculation of magnetic field of underground power cables in human exposure analysis is presented in the paper. The comparison shows that the simplified approach, which is based on the application of Biot-Savart law, is applicable in most cases. The rigorous approach should be used only in cases where the fields calculated by the simplified method excide the allowed values.

Underground Power Cables ; Magnetic Field ; Finite Element Method ; Biot-Savart Law

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Carlos Lemos Natunes

Coimbra: APDEE Portugal

Podaci o skupu

International Conference on Electromagnetic Fields, Health and Environment



Madeira, Portugal

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