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Procedure for Following up the Changes in Properties of Concrete Exposed to Chemical Aggression (CROSBI ID 517547)

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Bjegović, Dubravka ; Halavanja, Irma ; Balabanić, Gojko Procedure for Following up the Changes in Properties of Concrete Exposed to Chemical Aggression // Proceedings of the International Colloquium Materials Science and Restoration. Esslingen: Technische Akademie Esslingen (TAE), 1983. str. 19-24-x

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Bjegović, Dubravka ; Halavanja, Irma ; Balabanić, Gojko


Procedure for Following up the Changes in Properties of Concrete Exposed to Chemical Aggression

This paper presents a procedure to folow up changes in properties of concrete exposed to chemical aggression. The procedure involves collecting data on the structure during construction and exploitation by means of a special questionnaire and various tests. The aim of this testing is to grade the damage according to types of corrosion.

concrete; chemical aggression; properties

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Esslingen: Technische Akademie Esslingen (TAE)

Podaci o skupu

Materials Science and Restoration. International Colloquium



Esslingen, Njemačka

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