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izvor podataka: crosbi

Airway responses to the inhalation of cotton dust and cotton bract extracts (CROSBI ID 123862)

Prilog u časopisu | izvorni znanstveni rad | međunarodna recenzija

Schachter, E Neil ; Žuškin, Eugenija ; Buck, Marion ; Witek, Teodor ; Goldbold, James ; Roy, Nick ; Castranova Vincent ; Whitner, Michael ; Siegel, Paul ; Bluhm Eugen Airway responses to the inhalation of cotton dust and cotton bract extracts // Respiration (Basel), 73 (2006), 1; 41-7-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Schachter, E Neil ; Žuškin, Eugenija ; Buck, Marion ; Witek, Teodor ; Goldbold, James ; Roy, Nick ; Castranova Vincent ; Whitner, Michael ; Siegel, Paul ; Bluhm Eugen


Airway responses to the inhalation of cotton dust and cotton bract extracts

Exposure to dust in the cotton industry is associated with respiratory dysfunction. Healthy subjects challenged with cotton bract extract develop transient airway hyperresponsiveness. Cotton bract extract and cotton dust extract exert similar physiologic effects.

Cotton Dust; Cotton Extracts; Lung Function

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73 (1)





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