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The hydrogen peroxide, as a potentially useful slurry disinfectant (CROSBI ID 124043)

Prilog u časopisu | kratko priopćenje

Tofant, Alenka ; Vučemilo, Marija ; Pavičić, Željko ; Milić, Dinka The hydrogen peroxide, as a potentially useful slurry disinfectant // Livestock science, 102 (2006), 243-247-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Tofant, Alenka ; Vučemilo, Marija ; Pavičić, Željko ; Milić, Dinka


The hydrogen peroxide, as a potentially useful slurry disinfectant

Hydrogen peroxide is used more and more as the water and wastewater as well as slurry disinfectant. Its advantages over other oxidants are nontoxic, harmless, and environmentally acceptable by products. The basic task in the disinfection of slurry is to destroy or remove infectious microorganisms so that the slurry cannot transmit disease producing agents, when disposed on the land or into waters. In the present study the effect of hydrogen peroxide disinfectant with catalytic action of metal ions, silver and ferrous, was investigated in the hygienization process of pig and cattle slurry. In order to determine the optimal concentration of disinfectant, the effect of a range of final concentrations of hydrogen peroxide alone and with metal ions was investigated. Organoleptic, physicochemical and bacteriologic parameters were analyzed for wastewater quality assessment in accordance with standard methods. The results illustrated an improvement of organoleptic properties: color and odor, the oxidation of organic matter across reduction of BOD5 and ammonium content of the treated slurries as well as a decrease of aerobic mesophilic bacteria and total coliform bacteria numbers. This investigation indicated that the disinfection of slurry with the oxidative compounds with hydrogen peroxide basis and catalytic action of silver and ferrous ions can be recommended for its bactericidal and oxidative effect.

Hydrogen peroxide; Metal ions; Slurry; Disinfection

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