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Male Dominance Related Self-Deception Among Women (CROSBI ID 517865)

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Hrgović, Josip ; Hromatko, Ivana Male Dominance Related Self-Deception Among Women // Proceedings of the 18^th Annual Human Behavior and Evolution Society Meeting. Philadelphia (PA), 2006. str. 95-95-x

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Hrgović, Josip ; Hromatko, Ivana


Male Dominance Related Self-Deception Among Women

Numerous findings suggest that self-deception positively influences various mental states, including depression. Likewise, many studies have shown that there is a negative correlation between socio-economic status and depression. In most human cultures men are the socially dominant gender, and at the same time, the incidence of depression is higher among women. It could be hypothesized that self-deception has an adaptive function of reducing depression among women. To test this hypothesis, we explored the relationship between self-deception, depression, and attitudes towards male dominance, as a function of socio-economic status of the respondents, among 110 female students of the University of Zagreb. The results are interpreted in the context of adaptiveness of self-deception in women, regarding male dominance.

self-deception; socio-economic status; depression; gender; male dominance

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18^th Annual Human Behavior and Evolution Society Meeting



Philadelphia (PA), Sjedinjene Američke Države

Povezanost rada

Sociologija, Psihologija