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Information Systems of Relay Protection for Power System Analyzing (CROSBI ID 518936)

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Šimunić, Juraj ; Kostović, Ksenija Information Systems of Relay Protection for Power System Analyzing // MELECON 2006 - Circuits and System for Signal Processing, Information and Communication Tehnologies, and Power Sources and Systems. Málaga, 2006. str. 518-520-x

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Šimunić, Juraj ; Kostović, Ksenija


Information Systems of Relay Protection for Power System Analyzing

The paper describes information systems of relay protection for analyzing disturbances in transmission systems, their upgrade by Internet technologies, and the systems in the immediate future according IEC 61850. The data for analysis are obtained from the relay protection intelligent devices, disturbances recorders and SCADA system in automated high voltage (HV) substations. The information systems are used for analysis of voltage and current circumstances during disturbances in the network.

information system; process informatics; relay protection; measurement; information technologies

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The 13th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference



Benalmádena, Španjolska

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