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Preservation, abundance and architectural variations of Ostracods in diferent Miocene Paleoenvironments of Northern Croatia (CROSBI ID 519134)

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Hajek-Tadesse, Valentina ; Sremac, Jasenka ; Belak, Mirko ; Bermanec, Vladimir ; Sokač, Ana Preservation, abundance and architectural variations of Ostracods in diferent Miocene Paleoenvironments of Northern Croatia // Zbornik povzetkov / Režun, Bojan ; Eržen, Uroš ; Petrič, Metka et al. (ur.). Idrija, 2006. str. 52-52-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Hajek-Tadesse, Valentina ; Sremac, Jasenka ; Belak, Mirko ; Bermanec, Vladimir ; Sokač, Ana


Preservation, abundance and architectural variations of Ostracods in diferent Miocene Paleoenvironments of Northern Croatia

During the Neogene period North Croatian Basin was a part of the south-western margin of the Pannonian Basin System.The investigation area extends from the Medvednica Mt. up to the Slavonian Mts. The different type of palaeoenvironments in the Early Miocene (freshwater, brackish and marine) and Middle Miocene (marine) results with different ostracode assemblages. The chemystry, archictural variations, abundance and preservance of ostracode shells can provide useful information"s about the environment in which the animal lived. In total, 24 freshwater and brackish-freshwater genera of the Early Miocene (Ottnangian, Karpatian?) and 39 Early to Middle Miocene (Karpatian, Badenian)marine genera have been determined.

Miocene; Ostracods; North Croatia

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Režun, Bojan ; Eržen, Uroš ; Petrič, Metka ; Gantar, Ivan


Podaci o skupu

2. slovenski geološki kongres



Idrija, Slovenija

Povezanost rada
