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Understanding a Designer Technologist Team Work (CROSBI ID 519410)

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Srdjak, Miroslav ; Potočić Matković, Vesna Marija ; Pavko Čuden, Alenka Understanding a Designer Technologist Team Work // Book of Proceedings ITC&DC Conference 2006. 2006

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Srdjak, Miroslav ; Potočić Matković, Vesna Marija ; Pavko Čuden, Alenka


Understanding a Designer Technologist Team Work

Design of knitwear is a team work including a designer, who is responsible for aesthetics, and a technologist who performs a lot of detail designing while programming a knitting machine. Designers are often dissatisfied with technologist redesign, and usually think that it is far from the original idea. Regardless of this problem there is an opinion that designers' training in CAD prevents them from being successful designers, and technical knowledge forms them to be less creative. Yet, there is a major progress in knitting machines and CAD systems capabilities, and both designers and technologists would prosper as a result of better knowledge of these systems. In an experiment a work of two groups of students – technologists and designers was supervised, before and after designers training in CAD/CAM. Their experience in working with CAD/CAM and satisfaction with acquired design has been analyzed using a questionnaire.

knitwear design; team work; CAD/CAM; student education

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ITC&DC Magic World of Textiles



Dubrovnik, Hrvatska

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Tekstilna tehnologija