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Antibiotic resistance: Clinical cases and its practical application (CROSBI ID 519702)

Prilog sa skupa u zborniku | sažetak izlaganja sa skupa | domaća recenzija

Janković, Iva ; Mirošević, Nikica ; Ortner, Maja Antibiotic resistance: Clinical cases and its practical application // 9th CEEPUS - Biomedicine Students' Council Summer University. Abstract Book: Inflammation - Multidisciplinary approach / D. Juretić, V. Takač, M. Vasung, S. Crnković, M. Pletikos (ur.). Zagreb: Student's Council, Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, University of Zagreb, 2006. str. 25-25-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Janković, Iva ; Mirošević, Nikica ; Ortner, Maja


Antibiotic resistance: Clinical cases and its practical application

Aim: To introduce participants to the core principles of antimicrobial resistance and to the skills for identifying and resolving pharmaceutical care issues. Content: Resistance is a natural, unstoppable phenomenon exacerbated by the abuse, overuse and missuse of antimicrobials in the treatment of human illness and in animal husbandry, aquaculture and agriculture. A patient infected with a resistant strain may endure prolonged ilness, often resulting in death and extended hospital stays. Treatment with second and third-line drugs is costly, more often toxic to the patient, an increasingly ineffective owing to the speed with which mutant organisms develop resistance. This workshop will focus on identification of actual and potential medication related problems in infectious disease management. This will be achieved via a lecture supported by clinical cases and an interactive workshop employing problem based learning (PBL), where a range of infections will be presented in a case format. This worksop will start with a background on an antibiotic development followed by its resistance expansion. Participants will have an opportunity to practice skills in relation to screening for pharmaceutical care issues, prioritizing and resolving medication related problems and applying their knowledge of therapeutics to achieve the desired outcome.

Antibiotic resistance; adverse drug reaction; pharmaceutical care

Rad je kombinacija predavanja i radionice vezano za temu antibiotske rezistencije i s tim povezanih kliničkih problema, provedenih vježbanjem na stvarnim slučajevima iz prakse i njihovim riješenjima utemeljenim na znanstvenim dokazima.

nije evidentirano

nije evidentirano

nije evidentirano

nije evidentirano

nije evidentirano

Podaci o prilogu




Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

D. Juretić, V. Takač, M. Vasung, S. Crnković, M. Pletikos

Zagreb: Student's Council, Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, University of Zagreb

Podaci o skupu

9th CEEPUS - Biomedicine Students' Council Summer University



Zadar, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada
