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Responding to the patient's agenda: developing consultation skills for pharmacists (CROSBI ID 519732)

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Janković, Iva ; Govorčinović, Tihana ; Mirošević, Nikica Responding to the patient's agenda: developing consultation skills for pharmacists // 8th EPSA Summer University 2006. Book of Abstracts / Simonovski (ur.). Ohrid: Macedonian Pharmaceutical Students Association), 2006. str. 10-10-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Janković, Iva ; Govorčinović, Tihana ; Mirošević, Nikica


Responding to the patient's agenda: developing consultation skills for pharmacists

On behalf of the TEMPUS development group Aim To introduce participants to the proces of pharmaceutical consultation. Content An important aspect of providing pharmaceutical care is the interaction between the pharmacist and the patient. The process of consultation is key to the identification of medication related problems ; in particular those issues of significant concern to the patient which may have an impact on the way patients use their medicines. The literature highlights that between 30 and 50 % of patients with chronic diseases do not take their medicines as prescribed. Whilst pharmacists focus on addressing physical or cognitive barriers associated with unintentional non-adherence there is a growing body of evidence which suggests that the patient’ s views in relation to their illnesses and its treatment are important determinants of adherence. This workshop will provide a brief overview of the problems associated with non-adherence. It will demonstrate the process of consultation to be adopted by pharmacists in attempting to identify and address the factors likely to result in non-adherence. This will be achieved by employing previously recorded consultations and inviting participants to critically assess the performance using the framework provided. The video consultations will be in English.

Consultation skills; patient's agenda; pharmaceutical care

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Ohrid: Macedonian Pharmaceutical Students Association)

Podaci o skupu

8th European pharmacy students' association (EPSA) Summer University

pozvano predavanje


Ohrid, Sjeverna Makedonija

Povezanost rada
