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Inclination Shallowing in Scaglia Rossa (CROSBI ID 520819)

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Marton, Emoe ; Zampieri, Dario ; Ćosović, Vlasta ; Moro, Alan Inclination Shallowing in Scaglia Rossa // Travaux Geophisiques XXVII (2006), Abstracts of the 10th "Castle Meeting", New trends in Geomagnetism Paleo, Rock and Environmental Magnetism. Prag: Geophysical Institute Prague, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 2006. str. 80-80-x

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Marton, Emoe ; Zampieri, Dario ; Ćosović, Vlasta ; Moro, Alan


Inclination Shallowing in Scaglia Rossa

Scaglia Rossa have been a popular target for paleomagnetic investigations since the 1970's. The overall-mean paleomagnetic directions of the two sets agree perfectly in declinations, but inclination are significantly shallower for the Scaglia than for the platform carbonates because Scaglia suffered strong compaction while the platform carbonates (due to early diagenesis) better preserved "true" inclinations.

Paleomagnetism; Inclination; Scaglia Rossa

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Prag: Geophysical Institute Prague, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

Podaci o skupu

!0th Castle Meeting on New Trends in Geomagnetism



Valtice, Češka Republika

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