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The Neupert effect in solar flares and implications for coronal heating (CROSBI ID 522317)

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Veronig, Astrid ; Vršnak, Bojan ; Dennis, Brajan R ; Temmer, Manuela ; Hanslmeier, Arnold ; Magdalenić, Jasmina The Neupert effect in solar flares and implications for coronal heating // SOLMAG 2002: Proceedings of the Magnetic Coupling of the Solar Atmosphere Euroconference and IAU Colloquium 188 / Sawaya-Lacoste, H. (ur.). 2002. str. 599 - 602-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Veronig, Astrid ; Vršnak, Bojan ; Dennis, Brajan R ; Temmer, Manuela ; Hanslmeier, Arnold ; Magdalenić, Jasmina


The Neupert effect in solar flares and implications for coronal heating

Based on simultaneous observations of solar flares in hard and soft X-rays we studied several aspects of the Neupert effect. About half of 1114 analyzed events show a timing behavior consistent with the Neupert effect. For these events, a high correlation between the soft X-ray peak flux and the hard X-ray fluence is obtained, being indicative of electron-beam-driven evaporation. However, for about one fourth of the events there is strong evidence for an additional heating agent other than electron beams. We discuss the relevance of these findings with respect to Parker's idea of coronal heating by nanoflares.

Solar Flares; Coronal Heating

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Podaci o prilogu

599 - 602-x.



Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Podaci o skupu

Magnetic Coupling of the Solar Atmosphere, Euroconference and IAU Colloquium 188



Santorini, Grčka

Povezanost rada
