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Numerical Analysis of Damages of the Rector's Palace Atrium in Dubrovnik (CROSBI ID 522626)

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Lazarević, Damir ; Dvornik, Josip ; Fresl, Krešimir ; Rak, Mladenko Numerical Analysis of Damages of the Rector's Palace Atrium in Dubrovnik // Heritage Protection - Construction Aspects. International Conference Proceedings / Radić, Jure ; Rajčić, Vlatka ; Žarnić, Roko (ur.). Dubrovnik: SECON HDGK, 2006. str. 109-116-x

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Lazarević, Damir ; Dvornik, Josip ; Fresl, Krešimir ; Rak, Mladenko


Numerical Analysis of Damages of the Rector's Palace Atrium in Dubrovnik

Authors analyse the structure of the Rector's Palace atruim in Dubrovnik and its fundamental deficiencies which have been causing formationof cracks through a prolonged period of time. The numerical model is defined and most significant results are presented. These results confirm assumptions made in this paper as to the causes of damage. Critical spots obtained by calculations correspond well to experimental results obtained on the site.

Rector's Palace in Dubrovnik; atrium; damage; cracks; numerical model; critical spots; experimental research

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Radić, Jure ; Rajčić, Vlatka ; Žarnić, Roko

Dubrovnik: SECON HDGK

Podaci o skupu

International Conference and Brokerage Event on Heritage Protection - Construction Aspects



Cavtat, Hrvatska; Dubrovnik, Hrvatska

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