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Computer modelling of nitrogen pollutants in combustion of fossil fuels (CROSBI ID 522670)

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Vujanović, Milan ; Duić. Neven Computer modelling of nitrogen pollutants in combustion of fossil fuels // Marie Curie Workshop 2006 in Croatia and Serbia. Beograd: Academic mind, 2006. str. 56-x

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Vujanović, Milan ; Duić. Neven


Computer modelling of nitrogen pollutants in combustion of fossil fuels

The combustion of fossil fuels to meet the society demands for energy, release large quantities of pollutants to the environment. Among these pollutants are the nitrogen oxides (NOx), which are among the most harmful pollutants in the air because they directly affect human health and cause environmental problems as photochemical smog, acid rain, greenhouse effect and depletion of atmospheric ozone in the stratosphere. As the awareness of these harmful effects has risen, emissions of NOx have become world-wide concern and subject to increasingly stringent regulations. In response to these regulations, newer combustion techniques for nitrogen pollutants reduction need to be developed and this requires complete understanding of the NOx reaction processes in combustion of fossil fuels. Advances in the science of nitrogen pollutant reactions, mathematical modelling and dramatic improvements in computer hardware have made a computer modelling of the NOx chemical reaction processes a valuable tool in understanding NOx emissions from practical combustion systems. This work presents a mathematical modelling of nitrogen pollutants, developed and performed at Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, regarding the prediction of NOx formation in combustion of fossil fuels.

computer modelling; pollution

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Beograd: Academic mind

Podaci o skupu

Marie Curie Workshop 2006



Zagreb, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada
