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Psoriasis treatment--yesterday, today, and tomorrow (CROSBI ID 127840)

Prilog u časopisu | ostalo

Gruber, Franjo ; Kaštelan, Marija ; Brajac, Ines Psoriasis treatment--yesterday, today, and tomorrow // Acta Dermatovenerologica Croatica, 12 (2004), 1; 30-34-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Gruber, Franjo ; Kaštelan, Marija ; Brajac, Ines


Psoriasis treatment--yesterday, today, and tomorrow

In this historical review the authors investigated the treatment of psoriasis through the centuries. There are numerous obstacles in search for the description of psoriasis vulgaris in the works of the great physicians in the antiquity. Most remedies have been developed empirically. During the last two centuries, innumerable drugs have been employed in the treatment of psoriasis. Today dermatologists use the rotational treatment to diminish adverse drug events. In the future psoriasis will probably be cured with the new biological agents.

Willan; arsen; katrani; kortikosteroidi; biološki lijekovi

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