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Croatia´s RES potential for Decentralized Power Production (CROSBI ID 523031)

Prilog sa skupa u zborniku | izvorni znanstveni rad | međunarodna recenzija

Schneider, Daniel Rolph ; Ban, Marko ; Duić, Neven ; Bogdan, Željko Croatia´s RES potential for Decentralized Power Production // Proceedings of the 6th Balkan Power Conference / Gubina, Ferdinand (ur.). Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani, 2006

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Schneider, Daniel Rolph ; Ban, Marko ; Duić, Neven ; Bogdan, Željko


Croatia´s RES potential for Decentralized Power Production

Although Croatia is almost completely electrified there are regions in which there is no electricity network or the network capacity is insufficient. Often those areas include regions of special state care (underdeveloped, impaired in war, deficient in population), islands, and mountainous area. But, in the same time, those regions are areas with good renewable energy potential. Since the decentralized generation covers a broad range of technologies, including many renewable technologies that provide small-scale power at sites close to users, the idea presented in this paper was to identify the areas in Croatia (not only geographical but also the one of potential use) where the decentralized energy generation that exploits RES could be applied. The DEG potential of wind, hydro, solar PV, geothermal and biomass power facilities is estimated by calculating their capacities and energy capabilities on regional basis. Also RES cost – supply curve for 2010 is given.

Distributed energy generation; DEG; Decentralized Power Production; Renewable energy sources; RES; Wind; Biomass; Geothermal; Solar; Hydro

Zbornik, ISBN 961-243-040-36

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Gubina, Ferdinand

Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani

Podaci o skupu

6th Balkan Power Conference



Ohrid, Sjeverna Makedonija

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