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Disclosure of Beneficial Ownership – from EU Major Shareholdings Directive to EU New Transparency Directive – what needs to be changed in the Croatian Securities Markets Act? (CROSBI ID 524044)

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Čulinović-Herc, Edita ; Jurić, Dionis Disclosure of Beneficial Ownership – from EU Major Shareholdings Directive to EU New Transparency Directive – what needs to be changed in the Croatian Securities Markets Act? // CD ROM 5th International Conference &laquo ; Economic integrations, competition and cooperation&raquo ; , Faculty of Economics University of Rijeka, Faculty of Economics University of Ljubljana, CEDIMES Paris, University of Antwerpen, Lovran, Croatia, April 22-23, 2005 / Kandžija, Vinko (ur.). Rijeka: Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci, 2005. str. 1-18-x

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Čulinović-Herc, Edita ; Jurić, Dionis


Disclosure of Beneficial Ownership – from EU Major Shareholdings Directive to EU New Transparency Directive – what needs to be changed in the Croatian Securities Markets Act?

Disclosure of beneficial ownership is a powerful mechanism for protection of the investors on capital markets. Through the duty to disclose beneficial ownership publicly traded companies (issuers) and other participants on capital market (individual investors, institutional investors, competent authorities) can obtain valuable informations for creation of their portfolios. The Admission and Information Directive 2001 and the Proposal for a Transparency Directive 2003 are focused in this point. In Croatian Law the disclosure of beneficial ownership is regulated by the Securities Market Act 2002. Its existent rules should be modernized and revised according to prior mentioned EU Directives.

disclosure of beneficial ownership; The Admission and Information Directive 2001; The Proposal for a Transparency Directive 2003; Croatian Securities Market Act 2002

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5th International Conference &laquo ; Economic integrations, competition and cooperation&raquo ; , Faculty of Economics University of Rijeka, Faculty of Economics University of Ljubljana, CEDIMES Paris, University of Antwerpen, Lovran, Croatia, April 22-23, 2005



Lovran, Hrvatska

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