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The impact of dance-aerobics training on the morpho-motor status in female high-schoolers (CROSBI ID 128831)

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Viskić-Štalec, Nataša ; Štalec, Janez ; Katić, Ratko ; Podvorac, Đurđa ; Katović, Darko The impact of dance-aerobics training on the morpho-motor status in female high-schoolers // Collegium antropologicum, 31 (2007), 1; 259-266

Podaci o odgovornosti

Viskić-Štalec, Nataša ; Štalec, Janez ; Katić, Ratko ; Podvorac, Đurđa ; Katović, Darko


The impact of dance-aerobics training on the morpho-motor status in female high-schoolers

The aim of the study was to analyze the impact of special programmed physical education including dance, aerobics and rhythmic gymnastics on the development of motor and functional abilities and morphological characteristics of female fourth-grade high- schoolers in Zagreb. A total sample of 220 high-schoolers aged 16-18 years were divided into two groups: experimental group of 115 students attending the program composed of dance structures and aerobics, and control group attending classic program of physical education. A set of 3 morphological variables, 6 motor variables and one functional variable were applied in both groups on three occasions during an academic year (initial, transient and final measurements). Two-factor analysis of variance (MANOVA repeated measure design) showed the experimental program to significantly influence the development of coordination/agility and specific rhythm coordination, functional aerobic ability, repetitive and explosive strength and flexibility, along with significant reduction of overweight and adipose tissue. Study results clearly indicate that the existing programs of physical education should be revised and replaced by more appropriate ones.

physical education ; dance ; aerobics ; morpho-motor status

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31 (1)






Povezanost rada

Javno zdravstvo i zdravstvena zaštita, Kineziologija
