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Enteric redmouth disease in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) (CROSBI ID 470197)

Prilog sa skupa u zborniku | sažetak izlaganja sa skupa | domaća recenzija

Oraić, Dražen ; Zrnčić, Snježana ; Šoštarić Branko Enteric redmouth disease in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) // The Eight "Ljudevit Jurak" International Symposium on Comparative Pathology / Božo Krušlin M.D., PhD, Mirna Robić M.Sc (ur.). Zagreb: Akademija medicinskih znanosti Hrvatske, 1997. str. 11-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Oraić, Dražen ; Zrnčić, Snježana ; Šoštarić Branko


Enteric redmouth disease in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

Enteric redmouth (ERM), an acute to chronic septicemc disease affects all species of salmonids and is caused by bacteria Yersinia ruckeri from the family Enterobacteriaceae. Losses caused by this disease might reach up to 70 % of overall losses in all salmonid fish farm and 25 % of the fish can be infected but asimptomatic. The bacteria Yersinia ruckeri was isolated from diseased rainbow trout having clinical appearance of ERM at several fish farms in Croatia. The aim is to describe clinical behaviour, pathological changes and bacteriological findings of endophtalmitis and encephalitis characterized by presence of bacterial organism compatible with Yersinia ruckeri. The skin of affected fish was darkly pigmented, with unilateral or bilateral exophtalmia. They swam slowly, close to the water surface, and were separated from the rest of the lot. Some of the affected fish presented obvious CNS signs, such as slow, convulsive swimming. Reaction to stimulation of any type (such as feeding or alarm reaction) were markedly reduced. On pathoanatomical examination marbled liver, transparent and hemorrhaged intestines, pronounced hemorrhage on swim bladder and enlarged spleen were most consistent findings.

Rainbow trout; enteric redmouth disease; yersiniosis

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Božo Krušlin M.D., PhD, Mirna Robić M.Sc

Zagreb: Akademija medicinskih znanosti Hrvatske

Podaci o skupu

The Eight "Ljudevit Jurak" International Symposium on Comparative Pathology



Zagreb, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada

Veterinarska medicina