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izvor podataka: crosbi

BBC Radio 4, 21 September to 2 November at 9 pm: The other medicine (CROSBI ID 129634)

Prilog u časopisu | prikaz, osvrt, kritika

Fišter, Kristina BBC Radio 4, 21 September to 2 November at 9 pm: The other medicine // BMJ. British medical journal (International ed.), 329 (2004), 7471; 923-923. doi: 10.1136/bmj.329.7471.923-a

Podaci o odgovornosti

Fišter, Kristina


BBC Radio 4, 21 September to 2 November at 9 pm: The other medicine

Thoughts on the BBC radio series on alternative and complementary medicini. Presenter Anna Ford speaks to patients and practitioners, researchers and scientists, sceptics and believers, and we even witness her own sessions with alternative therapists (she is, her therapist tells her, apparently suffering from post-menopausal yin deficiency). But Ford restricts herself to only a few personal comments, mostly letting us hear from her guests. And there are almost as many different messages as there are interviewees.

complementary and alternative medicine ; mass media

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329 (7471)







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