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Numerical solving of problems with high gradients using adaptive multiresolution method (CROSBI ID 527084)

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Kozulić, Vedrana ; Gotovac, Blaž ; Gotovac, Hrvoje ; Radelja, Tonči Numerical solving of problems with high gradients using adaptive multiresolution method // Proceedings of the 5th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics / Matejiček, Franjo (ur.). Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku (HDM), 2006. str. 1-8-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Kozulić, Vedrana ; Gotovac, Blaž ; Gotovac, Hrvoje ; Radelja, Tonči


Numerical solving of problems with high gradients using adaptive multiresolution method

This paper presents adaptive multiresolution procedure specially suited for numerical simulations of processes with high gradients and concentrated loads. The technique is based on the collocation method using smooth finite functions known as Fup basis functions. Space discretization and grid adaptation on dyadic grid is obtained by Fup collocation transform. The basic characteristic of the method is the algorithm that adaptively changes the distribution of collocation points within the observed area depending on the character of solution function and accuracy criteria. Multiple level concepts enables adaptive multiresolution evolution of solution with all resolved spatial scales and desired level of accuracy using the family of the Fup basis functions. This procedure of meshless modeling provides a possibility to obtain numerical solution with the set accuracy. All fields derived from the main solution (for example, bending moments and shear forces) can be expressed by continuous functions on the entire domain due to properties of localized Fup basis functions. Results show that new adaptive Fup collocation method is well suited for dealing with general boundary conditions and sharp gradients. Hierarchic increase a number of basis functions in the model provides a simple way to increase the accuracy of an approximate solution in places where rapid changes of solution steepness occur. Simultaneously, computational efforts are reduced due to space adaptation.

mesh free method; basis functions; collocation method; multilevel numerical model; high gradients; adaptive procedure

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Matejiček, Franjo

Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku (HDM)


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Trogir, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada

Građevinarstvo, Temeljne tehničke znanosti