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Theoretical Aspect and Methods of Testing Concrete Resistance to freezing and Deicing Chemicals (CROSBI ID 527814)

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Bjegović, Dubravka ; Mikulić, Dunja ; Ukrainczyk, Velimir Theoretical Aspect and Methods of Testing Concrete Resistance to freezing and Deicing Chemicals // Proceedings of Katarine and Bryant Mather International Conference on Concrete Durability. Atlanta (GA), 1987. str. 1603-1609-x

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Bjegović, Dubravka ; Mikulić, Dunja ; Ukrainczyk, Velimir


Theoretical Aspect and Methods of Testing Concrete Resistance to freezing and Deicing Chemicals

Theoretical aspects of concrete resistance to freezing and deicing chemicals in causal terms. Different constituents and concreting procedures result in different concretes. Furthermore, environmental influences cause a series of physical mechanism cause processes which are also presented in the paper. These physical mechanism cause stresses which may result in concrete damages. The second part of the paper contains a survey of methods for testing the resistance of concrete to freezing and deicing chemicals. The most common methods are presented in a flowchart showing the advantages and disadvantages of a method and its applicability for a particular structure.

tests; resistance; concrete

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International Conference on Concrete Durability



Atlanta (GA), Sjedinjene Američke Države

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