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First record of three gobiid species in the Levant (CROSBI ID 132619)

Prilog u časopisu | prethodno priopćenje

Kovačić, Marcelo ; Daniel Golani First record of three gobiid species in the Levant // Cybium, 31 (2007), 1; 89-91-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Kovačić, Marcelo ; Daniel Golani


First record of three gobiid species in the Levant

The specimens of Gobius couchi, Gobius fallax and Odondebuenia balearica from Cyprus, recently found in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Fish Collection, represent the first records of these species in the Levant. The present findings provide data on the morphology of the Levantine specimens. Identification of Gobius fallax is discussed.

Gobius couchi; Gobius fallax; Odondebuenia balearica; new records; Mediterranean Sea; Cyprus

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