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A SIP-based Nursing System (CROSBI ID 528654)

Prilog sa skupa u zborniku | izvorni znanstveni rad | međunarodna recenzija

Ergović, Vladimir ; Tonković, Stanko A SIP-based Nursing System // Proceedings of the European Federation for Medical Informatics Special Topics Conference 2007 "Medical Informatics in Enlarged Europe" / Bryden, John ; De Lusignan, Simon ; Blobel, Bernd et al. (ur.). Berlin: IOS Press, 2007. str. 211-215

Podaci o odgovornosti

Ergović, Vladimir ; Tonković, Stanko


A SIP-based Nursing System

The paper evaluate and describes methods and techniques needed for implementation of SIP protocol in nursing environments. This enables SIP to become carrier protocol for transmitting messages in nursing environments. SIP based architectures are possible and needed especially in telemedicine systems. Since this is quite new and unexplored area, some proposals in the paper can serve as groundwork for next generations of nursing telemedicine systems as well as nursing units based on SIP protocol. That could enable era of unified messaging in nursing informatics and telemedicine.

intensive care; nursing system; SIP; telemedicine

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Bryden, John ; De Lusignan, Simon ; Blobel, Bernd ; Petrovečki, Mladen

Berlin: IOS Press


Podaci o skupu

Medical Informatics in Enlarged Europe



Brijuni, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada
