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Home care technologies for ambient assisted living (CROSBI ID 528678)

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Magjarević, Ratko Home care technologies for ambient assisted living // IFMBE Proceedings MEDICON 2007, Vol. 16 / Jarm, Tomaz ; Kramar, Peter ; Županić, Anze (ur.). Ljubljana: Springer, 2007. str. 397-400-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Magjarević, Ratko


Home care technologies for ambient assisted living

The aim of the new approach in health care is not only to monitor and improve health of individuals, but also to increase their independence, mobility, safety and social contact through increased communication, inclusion and participation using available technologies. A large number of new medical devices for health monitoring, home care, wellness promotion, gerontotechnology, etc. have to be designed, tested and adopted to meet the special needs and demands of different population groups. These new devices for telemonitoring and telediagnostics create large amount of health related information, in most cases from sensors organized into body sensor networks.

personalized healthcare; ambient assisted living; body area network; telemonitoring; telediagnostics

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Jarm, Tomaz ; Kramar, Peter ; Županić, Anze

Ljubljana: Springer



Podaci o skupu

11th Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing (MEDICON 2007)



Ljubljana, Slovenija

Povezanost rada
