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Work-related stress among female staff in Croatian hospitals (CROSBI ID 529282)

Prilog sa skupa u časopisu | sažetak izlaganja sa skupa | međunarodna recenzija

Golubić, Rajna ; Knežević, Bojana ; Milošević, Milan ; Radonić, Ana ; Belak, Marin ; Knežević, Predrag ; Mustajbegović, Jadranka Work-related stress among female staff in Croatian hospitals // Cell stress & chaperones. 2007. str. 462-462

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Golubić, Rajna ; Knežević, Bojana ; Milošević, Milan ; Radonić, Ana ; Belak, Marin ; Knežević, Predrag ; Mustajbegović, Jadranka


Work-related stress among female staff in Croatian hospitals

Aim: To determine the difference in stress perception among female staff at various hospital departments. Methods: 984 female employees in 4 Croatian hospitals anonymously and voluntarily completed the Occupational Stress Assessment Questionnaire. According to the factor analysis the stressors were classified into 6 groups: Work management, Public criticism, Shift work, Professional demands, Interpersonal communication and Professional health hazards. The differences were analyzed by Mann Whitney U test and P<0.05 was regarded as significant. Results: 200 (20.3%) of the analyzed female staff belonged to the category physicians, while the remaining 784 (79.7%) were technicians and nurses. At all hospital departments physicians made the minority of the entire female staff, with the exceptions of anesthesiology and pathology, where they made 62% and 53.8% of the total number of female employees, respectively. Public criticism (P<0.001), shift work (P=0.03) and professional demands (P=0.003) were considered significantly more stressful by physicians than by nurses and technicians. However, nurses and technicians reported professional health hazards as significantly more stressful than physicians (P=0.002). The perception of stress related to work management and interpersonal communication didn&#8217; t significantly differ among professional categories. Conclusion: Physicians, on one hand and nurses and technicians on the other hand find their job stressful, but the perception of the same stressors among female staff is different.

work-related stress; female; hospital

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Budimpešta: Cell Stress Society International


Podaci o skupu

3rd Cell Stress Society International Congress on Stress Responses in Biology and Medicine and 2nd World Conference of Stress



Budimpešta, Mađarska

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Javno zdravstvo i zdravstvena zaštita
