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Effects of processing parameters on hardness of 3D printed parts (CROSBI ID 529507)

Prilog sa skupa u zborniku | izvorni znanstveni rad

Fajić, Adis ; Tiro, Dragi ; Galeta, Tomislav Effects of processing parameters on hardness of 3D printed parts // Proceedings of the 11th International Research/Expert Conference "Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology" (TMT 2007) / Ekinović, Sabahudin ; Yalcin, Senay ; Calvet, Joan Vivancos (ur.). Zenica : Barcelona : Istanbul: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering ; Escola Tecnica Superior D'Enginyeria Industrial ; Bahcesehir Univerity, 2007. str. 707-710

Podaci o odgovornosti

Fajić, Adis ; Tiro, Dragi ; Galeta, Tomislav


Effects of processing parameters on hardness of 3D printed parts

Development of rapid prototyping systems and materials causes their wider implementation in many areas of human activities. Three-dimensional printing technique, invented in Massachusetts Institute of Technology and developed by Z Corporation, nowadays is asserting itself in both a direct and indirect production of parts and assemblies of any complexity. However, like any rapid prototyping technique, it has significant limitations, mainly in available materials and material properties. Owing to a poor material properties, all three-dimensional printed models need to be post-processed. Poor material properties open possibilities for a various researches of the effects of processing parameters on printed models. In this paper we are presenting research of the effects of the layer thickness, building direction and post-processing on the hardness of three-dimensional printed models. In our research we found that the variations of considered parameters do not have a significant influence on the hardness of the three-dimensional printed models.

3D printing; process parameters; post processing; hardness

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Ekinović, Sabahudin ; Yalcin, Senay ; Calvet, Joan Vivancos

Zenica : Barcelona : Istanbul: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering ; Escola Tecnica Superior D'Enginyeria Industrial ; Bahcesehir Univerity


Podaci o skupu

International Research/Expert Conference "Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology" (11 ; 2007)



Hammamet, Tunis

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