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Vrace near Gračac (Velebit) – Middle to Upper Triassic shallow marine limestones and continental sediments with bauxite (CROSBI ID 34462)

Prilog u knjizi | izvorni znanstveni rad

Tišljar, Josip ; Velić, Ivo ; Vlahović, Igor ; Sokač, Branko ; Grgasović, Tonči Vrace near Gračac (Velebit) – Middle to Upper Triassic shallow marine limestones and continental sediments with bauxite // 9th International Symposium on Fossil Algae - Croatia 2007 : Field-Trip Guidebook and Abstracts / Grgasović, Tonči ; Vlahović, Igor (ur.). Zagreb: Hrvatski geološki institut, 2007. str. 121-123

Podaci o odgovornosti

Tišljar, Josip ; Velić, Ivo ; Vlahović, Igor ; Sokač, Branko ; Grgasović, Tonči


Vrace near Gračac (Velebit) – Middle to Upper Triassic shallow marine limestones and continental sediments with bauxite

During the Triassic in the present region of Lika, several phases of emersion and transgression were recorded on the carbonate platform. The emersion phase at the end of Ladinian is most clearly visible in the Vrace area, with the accumulation of terrestrial material (subject to the process of bauxitization), probably lasted throughout the Carnian, perhaps into the Early Norian. Irregulary karstified Ladinian limestone - algal wackestone/packstone with fenestral fabric and alga Diplopora annulata SCHAFHAUTL are deposited in shallow subtidal zone. The Vrace bauxite deposit creating a direct contact between this Ladinien limestones and Norian earl-diagenetic dolomites with fenestral(partly geopetal)and stromatolitic structure.

shallow-marine carbonates, peritidal shallowing-upward cycles, Diplopora limestones, emersion, bauxite, Triassic, Velebit Mt, Croatia

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Podaci o knjizi

Grgasović, Tonči ; Vlahović, Igor

Zagreb: Hrvatski geološki institut



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