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Some Biological Parameters of the Thin-Lippes Mullet Liza Ramada (Pisces, Mugilidae) in the Neretva River Delta (Eastern Adriatic, Croatian Coast) (CROSBI ID 133631)

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Glamuzina, Branko ; Dulčić, Jakov ; Conides, Alexis ; Bartulović, Vlasta ; Matić-Skoko, Sanja ; Papaconstantinou, Costas Some Biological Parameters of the Thin-Lippes Mullet Liza Ramada (Pisces, Mugilidae) in the Neretva River Delta (Eastern Adriatic, Croatian Coast) // Vie et milieu, 57 (2007), 3; 131-136

Podaci o odgovornosti

Glamuzina, Branko ; Dulčić, Jakov ; Conides, Alexis ; Bartulović, Vlasta ; Matić-Skoko, Sanja ; Papaconstantinou, Costas


Some Biological Parameters of the Thin-Lippes Mullet Liza Ramada (Pisces, Mugilidae) in the Neretva River Delta (Eastern Adriatic, Croatian Coast)

Aspects concerning age, growth, reproduction and recruitment were analysed in the thin-lipped mullet, Liza ramada collected in Neretva river delta estuary (East Adriatic, Croatian coastline). The study was based on the collection of a total of 362 individuals on a monthly basis. The Bertalanffy growth curve parameters were estimated: TL∞ =59.96 cm, K=0.269 year-1, to=-0.455. Natural mortality was estimated at 0.32 year-1. Total mortality (Z) was estimated at 0.70 year-1 (range 0.55-0.85 year-1). Fishing mortality was estimated at 0.38 year-1 and the exploitation ratio at E=0.54. The gonad-somatic index profile shows a single peak during the year in October. The sex ratio profile shows skewed sex ratios throughout the year except the period prior to reproduction peak.

Mugilidae; Liza Ramada; age; growth; mortality; reproduction

Vie et Milieu (1980) ; str. 7-13

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