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Acoustic Characteristics of the New "Histrion" Drama Theatre in Zagreb (CROSBI ID 530021)

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Ivančević, Bojan ; Jambrošić, Kristian ; Petošić, Antonio Acoustic Characteristics of the New "Histrion" Drama Theatre in Zagreb // Proceedings of the 3rd Congress of the Alps Adria Acoustics Association / Fellner, Maria ; Graf, Franz (ur.). Graz: Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, 2007. str. 1-5

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Ivančević, Bojan ; Jambrošić, Kristian ; Petošić, Antonio


Acoustic Characteristics of the New "Histrion" Drama Theatre in Zagreb

A new drama theatre was build in Zagreb and the interior acoustic finishing had to provide good speech intelligibility, no flutter-echo throughout the theatre, low reverberation time and last but no least – at low cost. Another particularity of the theatre was the wish of the architect to use vertical wooden laths, 1.5 cm thick and 6 cm apart, in front of all walls and ceiling in the whole audience space with a 36 cm distance to the hard surface in order to get a special visual effect. The free space between laths and the hard surface had to be used for putting all required materials to fulfill the acoustic demands. Moreover, these laths were of unknown acoustic influence (absorption, diffusion), making the evaluation of the acoustic project more uncertain. After the theatre was finished, a set of acoustic measurements (impulse responses, reverberation time) showed favorable acoustic characteristics. The wooden laths provided a welcome diffuseness as expected, which was proven by measuring the ETC curves.

reverberation time; sound diffuseness; drama theatre

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Fellner, Maria ; Graf, Franz

Graz: Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH

Podaci o skupu

Congress of the Alps Adria Acoustics Association (3 ; 2007)



Graz, Austrija

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