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Investigation of stresses in vicinity of button holes (CROSBI ID 530277)

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Hursa, Anica ; Šomođi, Željko ; Rogale, Dubravko Investigation of stresses in vicinity of button holes // 5th International Conference Innovation and Modelling of Clothing Engineering Processes – IMCEP 2007 / Geršak, Jelka (ur.). Maribor: Fakulteta za strojništvo Univerze v Mariboru, 2007. str. 98-103-x

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Hursa, Anica ; Šomođi, Željko ; Rogale, Dubravko


Investigation of stresses in vicinity of button holes

In this paper stresses and deformation in vicinity of button holes were investigated using finite element method. Material behaviour in vicinity of reinforcement of button holes was investigated for the case of tensile load of representative sample. Numerical procedure consists in nonlinear numerical analysis of deformations and stresses in flexible material such as textile in plane stress using finite element method. For this purpose an algorithm is developed based on triangular finite elements and Gaussian elimination method, incorporated into a computer application with some user-friendly features in problem definition and visualisation of results. Iterative procedure for reduction of compressive stresses is applied. Geometry of reinforcement is defined by setting parameters on sewing automata for button hole and it is necessary to adjust it accordingly to aesthetical appearance, mechanical loads and strength of fabric. Based on given results it is evident that maximum stresses occur in or near the reinforcement of button holes which serves to prevent further damage of fabric during usage and mechanical loading. Given results of numerical model have shown good match with experimental data.

clothing technology; button holes; numerical methods; finite element analysis

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Geršak, Jelka

Maribor: Fakulteta za strojništvo Univerze v Mariboru


Podaci o skupu

Innovation and Modelling of Clothing Engineering Processes – IMCEP 2007



Moravske Toplice, Slovenija

Povezanost rada

Tekstilna tehnologija