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Anti-inflammatory properties of decidual NK cells are mediated by CD1a+ cells (CROSBI ID 530855)

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Redžović, Arnela ; Laškarin, Gordana ; Rubeša, Željka ; Veljković, Danijela ; Vlastelić, Ivan ; Allavena, Paola ; Mantovani, Alberto ; Rukavina, Daniel Anti-inflammatory properties of decidual NK cells are mediated by CD1a+ cells // Abstract book: 3rd EMBIC Summer School / Markert, Udo (ur.). Jena: Friedrich-Schiller Universitat, 2007. str. 43-43-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Redžović, Arnela ; Laškarin, Gordana ; Rubeša, Željka ; Veljković, Danijela ; Vlastelić, Ivan ; Allavena, Paola ; Mantovani, Alberto ; Rukavina, Daniel


Anti-inflammatory properties of decidual NK cells are mediated by CD1a+ cells

Problem: The influence of decidual CD1a+ cells on the function of autologous CD56+ cells was explored. Material and methods: Early pregnancy decidua was used for the isolation of CD56+ and CD1a+ cells from non-adherent or adherent decidual mononuclear cell fraction, respectively. The proliferation, cytokine production, cytolytic mediators and NK cell receptors expression in NK cells after the co-culture with CD1a+ cells were investigated using immunofluorescence, CFSE – proliferation assay and flow cytometry. CD1a mediated cytotoxicity against decidual CD56+ cells was performed by PKH-26 red cytotoxicity assay. Results: Decidual CD1a+ cells decrease proinflammatory cytokine production (IL-15 and IL-18) and NKp46 receptor expression in decidual CD56+ cells, although accumulate perforin, FasL and TRAIL in their cytoplasm. CD1a are able to kill efficiently decidual CD56+ cells on a dose dependent manner in 2 and 18 hours cytotoxicity assays. Conclusion: CD1a+ cells seems to selectively determine the survival and characteristics of decidual CD56+ cells. Acknoweledgment: The experiments are partially financed by Croatian Ministry of Science Grant No. 0620402-0376 and EMBIC project, European FP6, NoE, No. 512040, LSHM-CT-2004-512040.

NK cells; pregnancy; perforin; decidua

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Markert, Udo

Jena: Friedrich-Schiller Universitat

Podaci o skupu

3rd EMBIC Summer School



Jena, Njemačka

Povezanost rada

Temeljne medicinske znanosti