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Tanac dances and migrations on the Island of Krk, Croatia (CROSBI ID 531070)

Prilog sa skupa u zborniku | sažetak izlaganja sa skupa

Zebec, Tvrtko Tanac dances and migrations on the Island of Krk, Croatia // Choreographies of migration: Patterns of global mobility. Congress on Research in Dance. 40th Anniversary Conferenece, November 8-11, 2007. Barnard College, New York City. Conference program. / Scoliery, Paul (ur.). New York (NY): Barnard College, CORD, Limon-Jose Limon Dance Foundation, Inc., 2007. str. 33-33-x

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Zebec, Tvrtko


Tanac dances and migrations on the Island of Krk, Croatia

Analysis and the interpretation of the dance style of today's islanders have revealed the differences that likely emerged as a consequence of past migrations, particularly those by large groups moving to the western part of the island at the mid-15th century. The conception of themselves, of neighbors as Others, the need for mutual differentiation and the creation of linguistic and other symbolic borders developed on the island over a prolonged period of time.

tanac; dance; migration; Krk

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Choreographies of Migration: Patterns of Global Mobility. Congress on Research in Dance, 40th Anniversary Conference



New York City (NY), Sjedinjene Američke Države

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