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Channel stability assessment in a meander cut-off (CROSBI ID 531321)

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Kuspilić, Neven ; Bekić, Damir ; Carević, Dalibor Channel stability assessment in a meander cut-off // Proceedings of the 5th IAHR Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics / Dohmen-Janssen, Marjolein (ur.). London : Delhi: Taylor & Francis, 2007. str. 1135-1141-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Kuspilić, Neven ; Bekić, Damir ; Carević, Dalibor


Channel stability assessment in a meander cut-off

Observed during a longer period, natural watercourses are mostly in the state of dynamic equilibrium. Under the influence of external or internal changes, this morphological equilibrium of the river channel is disturbed. In new circumstances, watercourses strive to establish new dynamic equilibrium. Morphological changes are reflected by changes of the natural water and sediment regime. During works on the watercourses or in their respective catchment areas, it is necessary to monitor the new situation, in order to be able to react in time in case of adverse effects. This paper demonstrates the methodology of monitoring of hydromorphological parameters on 1.6 km long cut-off of meander in the channel of the Drava river in Croatia. During one year, changes in the river channel geometry and hydrological-hydraulic parameters were measured by sounder and by ADCP. The collected data were the basis for assessment of the global stability of the river channel in the monitored reach. The assessment of the river channel stability was made by comparison of measured bed shear stress and Shields criterion of critical stress, and on the basis of the new dimensionless hydraulic water depth.

Morfodinamika; Stabilnost korita; Mjerenja

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Dohmen-Janssen, Marjolein

London : Delhi: Taylor & Francis


Podaci o skupu

River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics: RCEM 2007



Enschede, Nizozemska

Povezanost rada
