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Parameters of Inner Waterways - Application for Sava Commission (CROSBI ID 531336)

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Pršić, Marko ; Carević, Dalibor ; Ocvirk, Eva Parameters of Inner Waterways - Application for Sava Commission // The International Thematic Scientific Symposium – INTEGRATION OF MULTIPURPOSE DANUBE – SAVA CANAL INTO EUROPEAN TRAFFIC CORRIDORS, Conference Book of Abstracts of the International Thematic Scientific Symposium. Vukovar, 2007

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Pršić, Marko ; Carević, Dalibor ; Ocvirk, Eva


Parameters of Inner Waterways - Application for Sava Commission

The &laquo ; ; Sava basin initiative&raquo ; ; is an international programme for the integral management of the Sava river basin. The member countries are Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia and Montenegro. The new UN/ECE &laquo ; ; Classification of European navigable inland waterways&raquo ; ; covering 7 classes was created and accepted in1992. A bit earlier in 1992 the classification was adopted at the CEMT conference. It is based on the UN/ECE classification from 1960 and CEMT classification from 1961 that encompassed 6 classes. The UN/ECE classification from 1960 was created as a recommendation, and the UN/ECE classification from 1992 is a component of the European treaty -AGN from 1996 and therefore it obliges the signatory countries. Only the Republic of Croatia as a member of the Sava initiative signed the AGN. Other Sava initiative members announced to join soon. The UN/ECE '60 classification for the tugged convoy contained detailed parameters of the navigable way. The new UN/ECE '92 classification contains only the sizes of tugged convoys. The directions are given to calculate detailed parameters of a navigable way for the area of the &laquo ; ; Sava basin initiative&raquo ; ; . A table of all detailed parameters for all the classes of a navigable way should be created on the basis of the given directions.

inland waterways; parameters

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Međunarodno tematsko znanstveno-stručno savjetovanje Integracija Višenamjenskog kanala Dunav-Sava u europske prometne koridore



Vukovar, Hrvatska

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