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Could the estimation of distance measures reflect the patterns of historical migrations? (CROSBI ID 463624)

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Rudan, Pavao Could the estimation of distance measures reflect the patterns of historical migrations? // Human Genetics: Human Diversity and Disease / Bittles, Alan (ur.). Fremantle: Human Genetics Society of Australia, 1997. str. 36-x

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Rudan, Pavao


Could the estimation of distance measures reflect the patterns of historical migrations?

Matrices of pair-wise estimates of 21 distances measures based on 36 pairs of village populations of the island of Hvar, Croatia were correlated with geographical distance matrix (using the Mantel"s test of matrix correspondence, as well as the Malecot"s isolation by distance model). Within the eastern and western part of the island (distances ranged from 3.2 to 17.0 km), geographic distances were in expected positive correlation with biological (BodyM, BodyF, HeadM, HeadF, PhysM, PhysF, DermM, DermF, BoneM, BoneF), with genetic (GnIso, GnEryth, GnHLADNA) and socio-cultural (LingBas, LingCult) distances, and in expected negative correlation with the distances estimated from bio-cultural traits (KinpIso, Kinpl, Kinp2, Kinp3, Kinp4, KemoD). The analysis of the pairs of villages from different island"s areas (west vs, east location, with distances ranging from 23.0 to 40.0 km) present the positive correlation for two socio-cultural (range .82 to .89), one of three genetic (.57), and two of ten biological distances (.24 and .42). As it could be well-expected, negative correlations were obtained for bio-cultural distances (range -.12 and -.84) but - contrary to our expectations - also for eight of ten biological distances (range -.33 to -.76) and one of three genetic distances (-.57). Those negative correlations could indicate peculiarities of immigration patterns through history but also, by the "shift" of the regression lines to their "mirror positions", geographical areas on mainland from where the migrants immigrate onto the island of Hvar, i.e. potential geographic localizations of the "historical nests" for the long range population migrations onto the Adriatic islands. Matrices of pair-wise estimates of 21 distances measures based on 36 pairs of village populations of the island of Hvar, Croatia were correlated with geographical distance matrix (using the Mantel"s test of matrix correspondence, as well as the Malecot"s isolation by distance model). Within the eastern and western part of the island (distances ranged from 3.2 to 17.0 km), geographic distances were in expected positive correlation with biological (BodyM, BodyF, HeadM, HeadF, PhysM, PhysF, DermM, DermF, BoneM, BoneF), with genetic (GnIso, GnEryth, GnHLADNA) and socio-cultural (LingBas, LingCult) distances, and in expected negative correlation with the distances estimated from bio-cultural traits (KinpIso, Kinpl, Kinp2, Kinp3, Kinp4, KemoD). The analysis of the pairs of villages from different island"s areas (west vs, east location, with distances ranging from 23.0 to 40.0 km) present the positive correlation for two socio-cultural (range .82 to .89), one of three genetic (.57), and two of ten biological distances (.24 and .42). As it could be well-expected, negative correlations were obtained for bio-cultural distances (range -.12 and -.84) but - contrary to our expectations - also for eight of ten biological distances (range -.33 to -.76) and one of three genetic distances (-.57). Those negative correlations could indicate peculiarities of immigration patterns through history but also, by the "shift" of the regression lines to their "mirror positions", geographical areas on mainland from where the migrants immigrate onto the island of Hvar, i.e. potential geographic localizations of the "historical nests" for the long range population migrations onto the Adriatic islands. Matrices of pair-wise estimates of 21 distances measures based on 36 pairs of village populations of the island of Hvar, Croatia were correlated with geographical distance matrix (using the Mantel"s test of matrix correspondence, as well as the Malecot"s isolation by distance model). Within the eastern and western part of the island (distances ranged from 3.2 to 17.0 km), geographic distances were in expected positive correlation with biological (BodyM, BodyF, HeadM, HeadF, PhysM, PhysF, DermM, DermF, BoneM, BoneF), with genetic (GnIso, GnEryth, GnHLADNA) and socio-cultural (LingBas, LingCult) distances, and in expected negative correlation with the distances estimated from bio-cultural traits (KinpIso, Kinpl, Kinp2, Kinp3, Kinp4, KemoD). The analysis of the pairs of villages from different island"s areas (west vs, east location, with distances ranging from 23.0 to 40.0 km) present the positive correlation for two socio-cultural (range .82 to .89), one of three genetic (.57), and two of ten biological distances (.24 and .42). As it could be well-expected, negative correlations were obtained for bio-cultural distances (range -.12 and -.84) but - contrary to our expectations - also for eight of ten biological distances (range -.33 to -.76) and one of three genetic distances (-.57). Those negative correlations could indicate peculiarities of immigration patterns through history but also, by the "shift" of the regression lines to their "mirror positions", geographical areas on mainland from where the migrants immigrate onto the island of Hvar, i.e. potential geographic localizations of the "historical nests" for the long range population migrations onto the Adriatic islands.

anthropology; population structure; distance measures; historical migrations; population genetics

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Bittles, Alan

Fremantle: Human Genetics Society of Australia

Podaci o skupu

IUAES Inter-congress



Fremantle, Australija

Povezanost rada

Etnologija i antropologija