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Health Care in Croatia- Market or social values? (CROSBI ID 34843)

Prilog u knjizi | stručni rad

Dzakula, Aleksandar ; Voncina, Luka ; Mustajbegovic, Jadranka Health Care in Croatia- Market or social values? // Health Policy in Europe: Contemporary dilemmas and challenges / Benos, Alexis ; Deppe, Hans Ulrich ; Lister, John (ur.). London : Delhi: International Association of Health Policy, 2007. str. 113-122-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Dzakula, Aleksandar ; Voncina, Luka ; Mustajbegovic, Jadranka


Health Care in Croatia- Market or social values?

In the 1980s, self-government was developed as a special managing form for health care system. The system of self-managing was based on direct citizens’ participation in decision making and regional decentralization. Political reforms related to the onset of transition in Croatia in 1990, and the struggle for independence gained in 1991, lead to reforms of the overall system, including health care. One of the introduced measures was the centralization of health care, justified by the lack of co-operation and control as well as severe financial difficulties. This period was signed by orientation towards war related health issues and target groups. New step in health care reforms was undertaken in 1993. The reform started in 1993 organized Health insurance as national system, defined the ownership in the health care (national, and regional) and introduced privatization. The central administration kept very tight control over health care through finances and by-laws, but main idea was to introduce market principles into health care system. However, economic crisis 1995 – 2000, again emphasised social issues and political dimension of health care. In the year 2002, national complementary insurance was introduced for participating fees, and many sensitive groups became free of any participation, even complementary insurance. This change was recognized as patient friendly, but caused fast increase of the health care expenditures. Therefore last announced reforms stress need to cut costs, introduce higher participation fees and more market values in health care.

health care, health insurance

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Podaci o knjizi

Benos, Alexis ; Deppe, Hans Ulrich ; Lister, John

London : Delhi: International Association of Health Policy



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