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Asbestos as Environmental and Legal Issue (CROSBI ID 532121)

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Savić, Vanja-Ivan ; Fajković, Hana Asbestos as Environmental and Legal Issue // International Seminar on Recent Trends in teaching and research in International Law And International Seminar on Law of the Sea / Rahmatullah, Khan (ur.). Delhi: Indian Society of International Law, 2007. str. 213-230

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Savić, Vanja-Ivan ; Fajković, Hana


Asbestos as Environmental and Legal Issue

In this article authors examine historical and social context in which asbestos became one of the major building materials in the World and how it became a serious threat to the environment and human health. Authors are focusing on two major topics connected with asbestos, first is geological one: what are the characteristics of asbestos, how it was used and what are concrete medical and environmental problems related to it and the second, which covers comparative legal issues for preventing and sanctioning unlawful use or handling of that hazardous material.

Asbestos; Environmental problems; legal issues

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Rahmatullah, Khan

Delhi: Indian Society of International Law

Podaci o skupu

International Conference on International Environmental Law



New Delhi, Indija

Povezanost rada

Geologija, Pravo