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XM Screening Technology (CROSBI ID 532304)

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Valdec, Dean ; Vusić, Damir ; Tomiša, Mario XM Screening Technology // Proceeding 11th International conference of printing, design and graphic communication Blaž Baromić / Bolanča, Zdenka (ur.). Zagreb: Grafički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2007. str. 145-148-x

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Valdec, Dean ; Vusić, Damir ; Tomiša, Mario


XM Screening Technology

Hybrid screening technology represents an attempt to compensate for the shortcomings inherent in AM and FM screening. It applies AM algorithms to mid- tones, and FM to highlights and shadows. The problem with hybrid methodology occurs at the changeover from AM to FM. In most hybrid techniques, the intersection between AM and FM is discernible with the naked eye, and the complicated screening algorithms can slow the pre- press process. The challenge, therefore, has been to develop a new screening technology that combines the desirable behaviours of AM and FM screening without the drawbacks of a conventional hybrid solution. This paper will demonstrate how XM screening technology accomplishes this task, allowing the print provider to obtain unhampered high- screen frequencies with no loss of detail loss and with no extra problems on press. XM screening enables its users to realize the true benefits and potential of a computer-to-plate workflow.

XM (cross Modulated); dot; line frequency; rendering; transition point

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Bolanča, Zdenka

Zagreb: Grafički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu


Podaci o skupu

11. Međunarodna konferencija tiskarstva, dizajna i grafičkih komunikacija Blaž Baromić



Zadar, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada

Grafička tehnologija